Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012
Me and My Boy :)
Heeeey ! It's time for me to tell you about my boyfriend. I met him when i'm in Senior High School (VCR.E-One) If you want to know more about E-One, please click this.. Okey, here we go !!!
Face Reading
Face reading techniques help you learn a lot about a person’s inner
nature and characteristics. They prove to be very useful in professional
as well as personal life. With these techniques, just having a serious
glance at the face of a person can help you get a fair idea about him,
sometimes even more than what you will come to know after getting to
know him personally. Reading a face, just like an open book, requires a
lot of talent to decipher the truth behind the mask. In this article, we
present you the most popular face reading techniques, covering a few
important facial expressions, reading which may help you get out of a
confusing situation.